Tuesday, 19 April 2011

More for me

More for me than for anyone else, I feel tracking is a great way to stay on top of this so here is what I've got so far.

RE: Goals.

1. Did some research regarding day trading, but certainly not enough, though I did find some useful sites.
2. Have continued on workout program, but have missed a few days (not work out, but additional training).
3. Haven't found myself a mentor, should definitely get onto this in the holidays.
4. Stay afloat....just.

Had a few assignments to hand in and almost get blown away by one of them but I think I may have just scraped through. We shall see.

I will be endeavoring to eat more and increase my calorie (calorific?) intake to increase the amount of muscle mass. Irritatingly I will be away from a gym for at least a week so hopefully I won't lose the definition!

So to re-establish my goals for the up coming holidays. They are:

1. Research and email a successful day trader/commodities trader
2. Stay with workout.
3. Improve efficiency by reducing clutter.

That is all for now, things are going relatively well I guess, but there are some days that are better than others.

Wish me luck.

Action Man.

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