Tuesday 19 April 2011

More for me

More for me than for anyone else, I feel tracking is a great way to stay on top of this so here is what I've got so far.

RE: Goals.

1. Did some research regarding day trading, but certainly not enough, though I did find some useful sites.
2. Have continued on workout program, but have missed a few days (not work out, but additional training).
3. Haven't found myself a mentor, should definitely get onto this in the holidays.
4. Stay afloat....just.

Had a few assignments to hand in and almost get blown away by one of them but I think I may have just scraped through. We shall see.

I will be endeavoring to eat more and increase my calorie (calorific?) intake to increase the amount of muscle mass. Irritatingly I will be away from a gym for at least a week so hopefully I won't lose the definition!

So to re-establish my goals for the up coming holidays. They are:

1. Research and email a successful day trader/commodities trader
2. Stay with workout.
3. Improve efficiency by reducing clutter.

That is all for now, things are going relatively well I guess, but there are some days that are better than others.

Wish me luck.

Action Man.

Monday 11 April 2011

The Beginning...sort of

In the beginning...

There was a boy, for he was only really a boy, who believed in his untapped and formidable potential. This belief he had lived with for quite sometime, with only occasional reassurances from reality. None the less the belief remained and it has brought him here today. And he's brought his potential with him.

That boy is me.

This blog is my attempt, it deserves a stronger word than that, my pledge, my planted flag to say this is where I make my stand and make those dreams that have been in my head for so long a reality. It is not tomorrow, or next week or next month, it is today.

What brought this on you might ask? A small victory, but it came accompanied by an overwhelming ray of light (not to get to evangelical on you).

It started with yet another quest to get 'that body I've always wanted', and for once it actually seemed to be working. Not one who likes to be held in suspense I will tell you the catalyst that brought this change on, it was Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Body (available here: http://www.amazon.com/4-Hour-Body-Uncommon-Incredible-Superhuman/dp/030746363X).

Like most interests that capture my imagination I read it voraciously for four or five hours before deciding to put it to use. And the results have been, noticeable. Incredible would be going too far, the feeling is incredible, but thus far the results have been noticeable, even impressive (certainly by my standards anyway). And I'm only two weeks in.

But I digress. How long is one supposed to write about a back story before turning off the readers? I feel this is enough of a start, before I go I must outline the purpose of this blog, for it is more for me than it is for you. I will keep the goals specific for the moment, but esoterically it is to better myself and realize my potential in every way. Specifically:

1. Understand successful strategies for 'day trading'.
2. Continue on work out regime, aiming for defined abs, biceps, shoulders and pecs within four weeks (give a week due to recent protein shake supplement to my diet).
3. Be in contact with an appropriate mentor who can help me realize these goals.
4. Stay afloat.

That is all for now, if I can accomplish these (I casually mixed in the long term fitness goal) then I will have cause to write again. Wish me well, this could be the start of something great.

Stay strong.

Action Man